Thread: The JF God
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Eiri (Offline)
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09-26-2007, 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
... I am not talking about classroom games... I was in a REAL Army, sweetie! I was just sayin, not everyone will know, om, you dont know armies, bet you dont even know where my rank slide is? The epilep on aussie uniforms is in the center of the chest. Given private has no insignia, all you can see of my rank slide in that shot is some little writing which says 'australia' if you see closer.

Anyway, shouldnt class leader be Leiutenant? Capitan should be the 2nd in command of the grade, first in command should be the major... Om, bet you had a footballer as a Sargeant? And some goofball weightlifter for the CSM! Have fun in school, kid.
Not here In the U.S. it ain't...lets see..each class has a captain/class leader with there second in command being any1 that has seniority along with the class leader (nevermind the rank). Platoon wise depending on how good of a leader you are or the capacity to control a whole bunch of annoying freshmen long with all other cadets that have been there bf, you'll be platoon leader...
as for the staff. you have to been in either a junior or senior and have had been in the program for 2 yrs, or be good at whatever your position happens to be..anything else you wanna kno?

My Property:Pexster, Slykaz1

If the ocean was vodka and i was a duck,
i would go to the bottom and drink my way up
but the ocean isn't vodka and i'm no duck
so pass up the bottle and shut the hell up!

Score: Eiri: 43 Slykaz1: 78Rojjin: 59 Yuna7780: 79 reihino:15 Crani:22 Ramones1976:0 AnimeBaby:3 Arikado:1 Kikibunny23:3
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