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(#97 (permalink))
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jako (Offline)
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09-27-2007, 01:59 PM

Originally Posted by Sachiko View Post
haha... yeh, elfen lied~ sooo totally ewww... some scenes were good--- most were crappy... and what wats up with all the nudity....eugh!

also... escaflowne totally sucked--> HARD!!~ that art/ animation was pathetic...i mean how bloodi long were their noses--- and the storyline was really really LAME!!

...i also wouldn't really recommend azumanga daioh to my friends just coz when i watched it i was like WTH O_o#??
and it kinda bored me... i guess i'm just not into that style of humor

Yeah, cos Azumanga Daioh freakin rocks ;D

Escaflowne.... now I've seen the full fuckin series, and yes, I didn't freakin like it either :/ and then they made an ova movie bout it.... and that one was slightly better for me cos it didn't take ages

Elfenlied... Didn't really like it either (only seen a few episodes), but I guess its just not my thing

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