Japan last elections in July 07' that was best described as ' devasting ' effect on the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and late PM Abe only confirms that as early as Sept. 06' Japans actual economic growth was not correct and reported numbers - for these fisical quarters were being ' manipulated' the correct number instead of being a healthy economic growth of .05 % per fiscal quarter was actually less than half of this number .02 % This correction was noted by the BOJ Bank of Japan ( This is Japans central bank ) but somehow slipped under the radar. Economic growth for Japan in 07' is forcasted as acceptable? In reality the loss of ruling party in last July 07' elections and subseqent meltdown and resignation of PM Abe with the BOJ raising interest rates ( July 18 07' ) tell a different story of reality about Japans latest economic growth rate? As of this date the actual figures show Japans actuall economic growth rate as Sept. 07' Minus 1.2 percent negative annual growth rate? Japans Stock Exchange between July and Sept 07' lost 10% of its value? Hello ' Recession '.