Originally Posted by Curious_Jane
My point being that, even in the US each city or town differs. Why wouldn't Japan?
Wyoming! One of my all time favorite places to visit! You are quite correct in your asessment Jane. It is the same anywhere in the world. Some just have more of it than others.
Originally Posted by Tyler
This thread is good in that it helps people realize that Japan is a country like others with its positives and negatives. People shouldn't paint a rosy picture of life in Japan before they have lived there.
I sure hope gloobey wasn't expecting a warm welcome by posting what he did in the manner that he did it in. He sounds pretty bitter. :P
You are quite correct Tyler. Also, Gloobey is bitter about his stay. I feel sorry for his Japanese wife if she has to hear it from him. It is said in the states that, "I can speak ill of my "family", but let an outsider say the same things and I will dispise them and fight them to the end." In my own experience in my early years in Japan I mentioned my feelings about what I thought what was wrong with Japan and their way of doing things to a woman I was dating. She became angry with me and stopped seeing me even though in the beginning she sort of agreed with me! After that I kind of held my feelings in check and tried to learn more about the culture.
Originally Posted by kiwipinjapan
I may have had some negative feelings when I first came here,about what I thought to be racism, but I soon realised that the Gloobey types of this world were never meant to be human magnets. As for the people, you can think of them what you will. I happen to like the Japanese people very much, and for me to just walk past a group of drunk young Japanese people with a far higher likelyhood of being invited to join then than to be called a wanker and to be asked if I want a fight, is refreshing to say the least. Don't need to say anymore, Japan is good, it has been good to me and I have learned the language, gotten my black belt in karate and loved being a part of this culture.
I couldn't agree with you more. And yes I also have experienced being asked to drink with a bunch of drunk Japanese hooligan types here and there and it was interesting to say the least. But I did have one experience that was not so fun and almost led to a fight. But that was once out of the many years I lived there! LIve there long enough and you will have a bad experience or two. It's to be expected no matter where you live.