Originally Posted by curious_jane
Maybe they just don't have time in thier lives, Or....you guys are scaring them off . Just kidding!
honestly they don't have time lol people think US big city are a big hustle and bustle always moving. Japan is i would say not busy but eveything is on time you are expected to start working at your work time not arrive at your time your supposed to be there like here in the states. You are expected to go to lunch on time not work over it.
year the reason there not a lot of japanese here is one they don't know about the site , two They look at it gia jin out post with many of our idea about there home and way of life. Witch they probley don't see it the same way.
Want was said about the US above is very true our Goverment think that we should be working towards 1 goverment 1 world nation. this is put in there head by big buisness because that who truely control our Goverment just as rich mercents did in japan for a while and in a way they still do. unfortal most of the people that live here don't think that way this is why immragration is a hot issuse right now also war middle east. the US is not the country it used to people but a lot of people hope that it can be again. the only thing that is certin about the US is that it is repeating all of Rome's mistakes and views of life it did not work before it not going to work again. As for my self i want to go some where else yeah i am sure they goverment is probley corrupt to but i think the US is a ticking time bomb in side it self and it going to blow up sooner or later.