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Anne0 (Offline)
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Join Date: May 2007
Need advice for a friend - 09-28-2007, 08:43 AM

Hello everyone,
I don`t really post much here but I love the forum and I got a lot of useful help here. I just moved to Japan in the beginning of August and i`m just now starting to get the flow of things.
I have a friend that wants to work in Japan too but there`s one problem. She`s from HK. Since English teaching seems to be the vast majority of jobs out there I have no idea what she can go for. I don`t even know where to start looking.
She said she heard that to be a teacher in Japan you need child care certification and it was easy to get in Japan. Is this true?

If anyone can help me I would like to what jobs are available for people from Hong Kong. Or at least know where to look. Any helpful answer will be apprieciated. Thank you everyone.
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