Thread: Tale of Storys.
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(#123 (permalink))
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Kuroneko (Offline)
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Location: Miharu, Japan
01-18-2007, 07:12 PM

"I think so too... who knows maybe it was just a dream" I say. Hes mother even more impatient shouts in a stern voice " Ichirin , ***** hurry up your food is getting cold!" with her hands on her hips," sorry ok" I say climbing down the ladder "oh ***** After break fast help me with the dishes" she says. "Ok Auntly"

We Finish breakfast, as i start to help ichirin mother with the dish when she said "Fetch some lantern oil from the cellar would you deary we're running low" the cellar was out side not connected to the house. It was in the wood shed which was in the back of the house, I head out side "I'll go with" Ichinin replies to his mother "Im sorry Ichirn but could you be a dear and go get some water from the Well?" We nead it for the trip to day", "Oh alright mom" he replies. I head down to the cellar, "Its cold down here" ok up at the Ladder to the top of the hatch which was 15 or 20 feet above me the cellar was used to store assortments of food. lantern oil was also down here. I hear a scream its auntly! I head up the latter I reach the top and look out though the shack door. The peering In the front door of our house I a dragon. Massive Silver Wings where all i could see from the back of the house, the one I had seen the night before, I can see Ichirin watching from the Well. I want to scream but i can't. Then it took one enormous breath, Fire consumed the house seconds before I lose my balance and fall,the shed is engulfed in flames All goes black. Last thing I remember seeing is Ichirin watching standing in front of the Well leaning...

*(The ***** is for her name (she still doesn't know her name) You can go back to the Present if you want now)

Bold Well: if you cant tell by now I was hoping he would fall in the well ^_^;;*

"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer."

Last edited by Kuroneko : 01-19-2007 at 05:18 AM.
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