Anime and Friends -
09-29-2007, 12:57 AM
I've been thinking lately, about how because of my unique hobby, I've never discussed any aniome with one of my close friends at school. I'm an ugly guy, I'll be blunt, but most of my friends right now are girls, one of whom, the girl I'm closest to, I've had a crush on for 1 1/2 years =P. But the wierd thing is that because of it, I feel like my friends have no idea who I am. My only friend who loves anime as much as I do is two years younger than me, goes to a different school, and has totally different tastes in the specific anime we like. I want to know, how many people are there who truely have friends to talk to about this in RL? Sorry for another long message, I have a problem expressing things in few words 0_o