Originally Posted by Powermad147
So far, I've heard only a few ways to say brother and sister, as well as mom and dad, but have no idea if they are right...What i think I know is:
Oni-san/sama/chan (Brother, Sister, different emphasis?)
Otou-Sama/san (Dad, possibly mom?)
Sorry, I really know so little because I've only learned what I could from subtitles, so I'm not sure how many flaws there are in the already so simple 2 word list I have here -_-. I would be really inerested to know how to refer to my family in japanese: uncles, aunts, sisters, brothers, cousins, etc. Thank you in advance, arigatou gozaimasu! 
Here's a quick (not exhaustive) rundown:
Older Bro: Oniisan, oniichan, niichan, ani, aniki
Older sis: Oneesan, oneechan, neesan, neechan, ane
Little Bro: Otoutosan, otouto
Little Sis: Imoutosan, imouto
Father: Otousan, otouchan, tousan, chichi, chichiue, oyaji
Mother: Okaasan, kaachan, kaasan, haha, hahaue, ofukuro
Cousin: Itoko
Aunt: Obasan, bachan, oba
Uncle: Ojisan, jichan, oji
Grandma: Obaasan, baasan, obaachan, baachan
Grandpa: Ojiisan, jiisan, ojiichan, jiichan
Safe rule of thumb: if it has a "san" at the end of it, then that's the word you use for someone else's relative in general (doesn't work 100% of the time, but 85% gets you close). If it ends in "chan" or anything other than "san," then use it to refer to your own relatives (same disclaimer applies).
Like I said, the list is in no way exhaustive...still quite a few more variations, but I think this covers most of what you'll run into (or hear in anime).
If I made any glaring omissions, I'm sure someone will chime in.