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Hyakushi (Offline)
Ikaga desu ka!?
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09-29-2007, 01:53 AM

No, video games have no influence on a persons actions. Kids know its not real if it was then anyone could just go out get in fights and come back with no bruises once so ever and with money! makes me wish games were real. If a kid is influenced by something of that sort then I would look at the parents. In games you have no pain, no emotional ties. If a kid does not know what pain is such as being hit with the oponents intension to kill then they will grow up spoiled. Wanting everything they can't have and doing anything to get it. Kids are very influential and you need to have patiance with them, you have to use common sense (Think!). When you let your child play such violent games you have to explain its not real, you can't brush it off and expect everything to be well.When a child is out of line with a mother and father then you have to teach them a lesson not just by saying "No" you have to explain why its wrong. If you don't then you get those rotten kids on that Tv show NANNY 911, you have to hit a kid every once in awhile if they do something bad. You can't let it go and say "Oh he will learn his lesson in prison someday"

I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.
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