Were I live, it's kinda difficult to find friends which like maga and animé, the way I like it. But there's some ^w^
I got around 7 friends who like animé, but the biggest part of them, I don't see a lot, because they live, in some other citis, long from me. Some of them, I have only see once <-<
But then I got a friend who live in the same city as me, and we are very good freinds, and she is a big animé/manga fan, like me. We talk a lot about manga and animé
But in my class, nobody likes animé or manga <.<""
They think I'm kinda weird, when I see/read it >____<
Then I'm glad I got all my other friends.. And I also got a lot of friends who don't like animé, and they are all nice <3