Originally Posted by MMM
300,000 a month is more than enough money for a single person to live on. I did JET, lived just outside of Osaka and did just fine.
You can try and find a cheap city, but JET decides where you live, not you.
If you are a penny-pincher, don't move to Japan. I saw so many people that wouldn't tune on their AC units on 100+ degree days, or buy bottled water or eat out because it was so much more expensive than at home. If you are constantly converting yen to dollars in your head, you'll go batty. Seriously. I saw people literally drive themselves crazy, and end up breaking their contracts and going home because they felt that Japan was so expensive. But you are getting paid a lot of money as well. More than enough to love comfortably, even in Tokyo.
Most consumer items have a standardized price, so a Coke in Hokkaido is going to be the same price as a Coke in Osaka.
My advice: don't worry about it. Apply, get in, see where they place you, go over, and have fun.
What kind of things did you do with JET? What did you think of your experiences? Please tell :-)