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JF Ossan
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09-30-2007, 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by Stacmon View Post
Hello everyone. I'm strongly considering going to Japan through the JET program but need help choosing a place to live. I know that the odds are I will not get my preferred placement, but nevertheless, I thought it would be worthwhile to pick a good area just in case .

At first, I had little preference and looked more at issues such as cost of living. I heard that aside from rent, many products have the same prices throughout Japan.

Now, I'm considering the following cities:

Sapporo (Hokkaido)

Personally, I prefer large cities with well developed public transit systems. I would also prefer a lower cost of living, although if the difference isn't severe, or there are ways to save money (within reason), I wouldn't be bothered.

I also like large, cosmopolitan cities but would not be against living in a city with little foreign influence (so as to better develop my Japanese). However, I am a very disciplined person and have immersed myself in the local culture abroad (ie: in Germany) even when surrounded by English.

I welcome anyone either suggesting why I should pick a city on that list or why I should NOT pick a city on that list. Also, if there is another city that I have not yet thought of that you would like to suggest, please feel free to propose it!

It would be a dream to be in Tokyo but can anyone comment on how much more expensive it is relative to the other cities? I plan to live a fairly modest lifestyle there (won't be going out to bars or restaurants too often). Is the difference only in terms of housing expenses or also in the cost of consumables (food, hygiene products, etc.), clothing and other items.

Lastly and also very important:

Where is the best place to learn the "cleanest," most standardized version of Japanese, including the grammar, vocabulary and accent?

Thank you to anyone that provides me with help coming to this decision. I appreciate the insight and would be happy to answer any questions you may have about either Canada or Germany!

Stacmon, you don't need to make multiple posts to refine your question.

If there WERE mods here....

You are going to lose information, not gain it, if you make too many threads.

Your priorities are ponderous to me, but if you want the "cleanest" Japanese, then Tokyo is the place to be. To me, Tokyo Japanese is sterile, but it's the way people talk mostly on TV shows. A majority of comedians, however are from Kansai (Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe) and knowing the Kansai dialect will open up the world of Japanese humor.

If you plan on going through the JET program (which is an awesome system) I worry a little about you getting your heart set on one (or 5) cities, and then not getting sent there. THEY choose for you, so I would focus on just getting to "Japan". The price of toilet paper in Tokyo is pretty much the same as it is everywhere else in Japan, and it's probably more expensive than what you are paying for now. I worry you are investing a lot of time in the part you have the least control over.
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