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(#105 (permalink))
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Rogozhin (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 372
Join Date: Jan 2007
09-30-2007, 11:59 PM

Excuse me for following suit and saying that I wouldn't recommend Pokemon or Yu-gi-oh.

Pokemon is a series that's been forever in the racing circuit, travelling at the same dull speed and doing nothing that is unpredictable. The characters are tragic; we have an incredibly delusional main protagonist who thinks he's going "catch 'em all" when he's never going to, ditzy sheeplike friends who follow him on his journey for god knows why and persistent (like flies near a platter of poo) crims who have nothing better to do than annoy and get jolted by lightning.

Yu-gi-oh is hardly any better. I don't see what's so enthralling about a card game where there is absolutely no strategy involved because players keep popping out random, never-before-seen cards with outrageously cheap effects. I've played the ACTUAL game on GBA and that did involve strategy, the anime is just pure nonsense. Don't even get me started on the "heart of the cards" philosophy....
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