Originally Posted by MMM
I am glad I can be of help.
I have never heard of a JET doing a homestay. The problem will be that you will be replacing someone who was in an apartment, so the lease on the apartment will have been extended long before you arrive. I am sure many teachers at the school will be happy to "adopt" you, as in have you over for meals or go out shopping with you. It isn't something I would bother asking about, though. Government organizations want nice flexible people that don't rock the boat.
Long time no see Chachava.
"Replacing someone who was in an apartment," can you clarify what you mean by that? Do most JET candidates have predetermined accommodations, or is this something they usually sort out for themselves?
I've heard that in some cases, the organization that you work for will subsidize your housing, pay for it completely (and in other cases only assist in helping you find it, but not pay for it). Can you elaborate at all on that?