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JF Ossan
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10-02-2007, 02:30 AM

Originally Posted by Stacmon View Post
"Replacing someone who was in an apartment," can you clarify what you mean by that? Do most JET candidates have predetermined accommodations, or is this something they usually sort out for themselves?

I've heard that in some cases, the organization that you work for will subsidize your housing, pay for it completely (and in other cases only assist in helping you find it, but not pay for it). Can you elaborate at all on that?
Generally you are more than likely going to be replacing a JET going home, and not be the first JET at the school you work at. Since you need a place to sleep the day you arrive, the school will have already arranged living accomodations for you. Since renting apartments is initially expensive (and a pain in the butt) the school is going to want you to live in the apartment the last JET just vacated. It shouldn't be something you have to sort out for yourself, as where would you stay until you got it done?
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