Thread: Visa run
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jasonbvr (Offline)
Posts: 771
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Location: Japan
10-02-2007, 05:30 AM

I have been looking at it a little more, and I think I am still correct. You will need to apply for the work visa at least 6 weeks before your current visa will expire. If your student visa expires before then, you will need to request a change to the Visitor (tourist) visa when your student visa expires. From what I have read, they grant tourist visas to students without any delays. You should be able to get one that is valid up to three months. The reason it takes at least 6 weeks to change from the tourist or student to the work visa is that your qualifications and contract must be approved. At that time you will receive a certificate of eligibility. Then you will go to the immigration office and again present them with your qualifications (a college degree) and proof of employment. Then they will either give you the visa or a stamp showing that the work visa will be granted.

So far, I have not found any exceptions to this procedure based on differing nationalities. If you are still unsure about the rules specific to your situation, I would contact either the Japanese embassy in your home country or your embassy in Japan. They would know the specific rules that apply to your case.
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