Originally Posted by Shadowulf
how long have you been learning japanese for?
This is my first year at university, so about 8 months?
Anyway, I've decided to make this thread my journal, but any advice, encouragement or criticism is welcome of course
今日、雨が降ったから、大学に行きたくなかった。しか し、今朝は、日本語のテストがあったんだ。日本語の後 、友達と昼御飯を食べて、いっしょに国際関係に行った 。
友達の名前はシヤーンくんだ。中国から来たけど、ニュ ジランドに一年間ぐらい勉強している。この町にたくさ ん留学生がいる。それはすごい!
国際関係の先生は元気な人から、面白いと思う。もちろ ん、かもくも面白い。
国際関係の後、シヤーンくんと、LLC (Language learning centre) に行った。LLCで、日本語を勉強して、聞く練習と話す練 習をした。4時半ごろに一人で、LLCを出て、家に帰った� �シヤーンくんは中国語の学生におしえるから、残った� �
明日も、日本語のテストがある。すぐ、勉強するけど、 まず、晩御飯を食べる。
Today I didn't want to go to school because it was raining. However I had a Japanese test this morning. After Japanese I had lunch with a friend, then went to International relations.
My friend's name is Xiang. He comes from China but has been studying in New Zealand for about a year. There are a lot of International students in this city. I think that's cool!
I think International Relations is interesting because we have a lively teacher. Of course the field of study is interesting also.
After International Relations, Xiang and I went to the LLC. At the LLC we did some study and practiced our speaking and listening. At about 430 I left by myself and returned home but because Xiang tutors Chinese language students he stayed.
Tomorrow I also have a Japanese test. Soon I will study, but first, I will eat dinner.)
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