Originally Posted by minniemouse
Is possible to see it in one day from and return in Kyoto?
Yes! Actually Fushimi inari is very close to Kyoto, and the walk on the path takes 3 hours (it can be done in less, but why running? it's such a beautiful place^^), so it can be done as a half-day-trip.
Originally Posted by minniemouse
For Kyoto is one night and one full day sufficient to visit it ?
Not at all. Kyoto has literally thousands of beautiful shrines and temples, and it's impossibile to visit them all in a week, not to mention in a day!
But if you skip all the small attractions, and see only the big ones (Toji, Kyomizu dera, Sanjusangendo, Heian jingu, Kinkakuji, Ginkakuji, Ryoanji) you can make it. But be very careful!! Temples and shrines usually open early in the morning (7am) and close at 4pm! Take a one-day bus pass, it's just 500yen. In the night, you can visit Pontocho and Gion. You can skip Kyoto's nightlife, it's nothing compared to Tokyo's!!! Go to a walk on the Path of the Philosopher instead. It's a path going south from Ginkakuji, and it's very nice.
Originally Posted by minniemouse
all this tour in one day? Is it possible?
Well, yes, it's possible. If you leave around 6 in the morning from Tokyo, you can see the temple area in the morning, and take the bus to the waterfall and the lake in the afternoon. The trip by bus takes around 1 hour, but Kegon falls is just one or two stops far from the lake, and the temple area can easly be enjoyed by foot. I did this tripn exactely this way, and I had to rush a bit in the afternnon, but I managet to get the train back to Tokyo at 5pm.
Originally Posted by minniemouse
Cyclamen do you know Italian language?
Certo, sono italiano