10-04-2007, 04:33 AM
My (strange) complaint with fansubs is that they still seem to be hardcoded. That drives me *crazy*. If there is some series which I am watching and forgot to record, or which doesn`t have a DVD out yet to rent/buy - I will often hunt for the missing bit online.
As soon as a fansub appears, the raw versions disappear in a poof. I wouldn`t mind it so much if I could turn the subs off (as it would be very easy to set up) but it drives me crazy that they`re burnt into the thing. Especially when they`re rushed and crappy subs. I have to do something so that I can`t see them or it ends up irritating me to no end. Instead of watching, I end up gagging at the translation mistakes, or rolling my eyes at the unnatural ways they translate, etc.
I really wish they`d just include soft subs.
If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.