10-04-2007, 08:18 AM
Yes, I had seen that she was scheduled for 100 promotional events for this movie. And I do understand what you are saying, Nyororin.
But this looked like a big one to me. There was a ton of media in the theater there... I am guessing most of those 100 events were one-on-ones and visiting local TV stations. This looked like the one to have her A-game on at.
She may only be 21, but she isn't 6, and that's how she acted. This disdain in her eyes for the poor woman asking her such softballs as "Are there any scenes that stick out to you in particular" and having her answer "Not really" would be headlines in AMERICA if a starlet did that. And we don't even have this geinokai-media system. She might as well of taken a dump on the stage.
I am sure you know her story better than I do Nyororin, (though I did watch some of 1 Liter of Tears, and thought she seemed like a good enough actress), but I feel more sorry for her costars now. This is the Lindsay Lohan of Japan, it seems, and if history repeats...well...Lohan's last few films have tanked, no one wants to work with her, she has been in rehab for months, she is 21 and looks all of 40, and is about to have the career of a 40-year-old child star.