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Shinserph (Offline)
Lolishota Kei Shin sei
Posts: 203
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Singapore , Hokkaido
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10-04-2007, 09:14 AM

sorry for the late replies guys... i was busy with loads of clothes....too many of em...about 50 shirts t shirts and pants in total added up numbers hows' everyone...

@Pandayanyan thanks...i missed ya XD

@TheUnknown Lol dude...i missed you too thanks fer the pimped out haha

@Shadowwulf heh...always new stunts and dance moves to entertain my life XD

J Forum Community,

Lolishota keishinsei,
よろしくおねがいします, ぼくも恵信生 です~~

For people who misses old photo of me view here =P