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SweetSuicide (Offline)
\m/ Rock hard love harder
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Location: ... where only he can find me
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10-05-2007, 12:33 AM

Character Stats!!!

Name: Elizabeth (Lizzy) Lennon
Age: 19
Location:Origin USA but now lives in Ireland
Description: Medium length Brown hair. Hazel eyes. Slender. Wears a purple turtle-neck with a black corset over it and a black miniskirt with combat boots.
History: Lizzy was one dating an Edwards, but didn't know it at the time. They were only 15. They were in love, until the night he told her about himself. She was scared and he "transformed" her into a vamprie. Once she was transformed, she was suppsot to go to the evil side but she fought and joined the Lennons.
Skills: Trained in archery. Good with a sword when it is given to her. Can shoot a gun in a straight line.

It was a cold night for July. The fog was just rolling in off the river. The late night whores were coming out infront for the pubs to see if any man who want them tonight. It all seemed noraml to anyone who didn't know about the slient, deadly wars that raged here in the late of night when all the world is dreaming.

I pulled my sleves down over my hands to keep them warm in the sudden chill. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on their ends. I could feel someones eyes upon my back but dared not turn around until I had changed. The change only took a few seconds but it really didn't kick in for a minute or two. So I used my human sences until then. The breeze picked up a bit and some leaves behind me that were rusling were now silenced.

He was there. I knew what I had to do...

Life goes on.
But I'm gone.
Cause I'll die without you.

Last edited by SweetSuicide : 10-07-2007 at 02:12 AM.
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