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Nyororin (Offline)
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10-05-2007, 04:43 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
You know, even is she does have a hard schedule, I still don't think that excuses her behavior. If she had been falling asleep on stage, or wore sunglasses to hide the big bags under her eyes, OK, I get it. But she was being nothing short of nasty.
I don`t really think it *excuses* her behavior. I just feel a bit sorry for her that she was pushed into a position that caused her to snap. It doesn`t mean I approve of what she did.

I guess I just identify a bit because that`s the way I respond to heavy stress... And I can sort of see myself doing something similar in that situation. Not that I`d ever *be* in that situation, but still.

Of course, that`s only if she was doing it because she was very very stressed out, and not just because she was having a little fit. If that`s the case, well, she should be slapped - preferably by one of the other cast members.

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