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JF Ossan
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10-05-2007, 05:04 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I don`t really think it *excuses* her behavior. I just feel a bit sorry for her that she was pushed into a position that caused her to snap. It doesn`t mean I approve of what she did.

I guess I just identify a bit because that`s the way I respond to heavy stress... And I can sort of see myself doing something similar in that situation. Not that I`d ever *be* in that situation, but still.

Of course, that`s only if she was doing it because she was very very stressed out, and not just because she was having a little fit. If that`s the case, well, she should be slapped - preferably by one of the other cast members.
I think it's kinda cool that Akiko Wada went off on her (too bad it wasn't to her face). But I agree, that dude who was standing next to her should have kicked her in the shin.

The sad thing is if the movie flops, it will all be blamed on her, and that is too much of a punishment, I think. (See I do have a here somewhere).
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