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samurai007 (Offline)
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10-05-2007, 07:04 AM

Originally Posted by minniemouse View Post
Hi! samurai, if you see my post "My idea of trip" you can see my itinerary.

I have thought to take a JRP for 14 days and the first three days, I use a single tickets "valid all day".

Is it a good idea?

I have a question: Can I use a JRP for Tokyo metro also and the others metro places?

I will give you a more detailed breakdown in that thread then, but the quick answer is that I think that with that itinerary, a 14 day Rail Pass will be a waste of money for you. If I were you, I'd get either a 7 day pass and activate it only when you head west, or get a ju-hachi kippu.

And both the ju-hachi kippu and Rail Pass are for JR trains only... other company lines, including subways, will not accept it. However, JR also has buses and I believe they work on those.
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