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shitsumeihana (Offline)
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Talking you know you watch too much anime if... - 10-26-2006, 03:27 AM

--you say 'kuso' a lot.
--you read fanfics and start writing them.
--you say 'shi-ne' to the person you hate the most and he looks at you as if you're something so peculiar. (which you are.)
--you get your innocent little brother to start watching violent anime (like elfen lied) because normal un-japanese animations suck so bad. (like teen titans. sheesh.)
--'baka', 'hai', 'yada', 'urusai', 'usuratonkachi', 'dobe', 'onegai', 'arigatou', 'ohayou', etc. is in your usual vocabulary and even your parents know what it means.
--you start getting addicted to japanese culture and insist/whine to your mom to make you sushi for lunch and buy you sake.
--you ask your mom what kind of anime she watched in her days. (gah. voltes 5. she still knows the song. and she's 45! kuso.)
--you eat steak with chopsticks.
--you want to dress up as Haku for halloween.
--you know your way around the internet and the computer because you tinker with it so much when looking for free anime OST downloads, anime streaming, anime forums, etc.
--you type so fast because of searching endlessly in google for the perfect anime streaming host.
--you sleep in afternoons after school, wake up at 11 p.m and stay up until you have to go to school again watching anime/reading manga.
--you look forward to joining the anime club in school and hopes to find friends there because right now you are anti-social and you eat alone. T-T sob.
--you're 13-year old freshman girl and grade 12 guys you don't know watch anime with you in the library during lunch.
--you know how to download from IRC better than your guy cousins who are supposed to know a lot about anime and where to get them.
--you talk with your university freshman guy cousin instead of socializing with your girl cousins/oneechan who are just ITCHING to give you a makeover because big black bags are under your eyes from watching anime all day/night.
--you call your older sister oneechan instead of ATE even though you're filipino, just for the heck of it.
--homework is not part of your schedule because you are too preoccupied with anime and manga.
--you are addicted to j-rock because it's awesome.
--you get inspired to learn tennis because of a certain anime.
--you want to learn how to play drums, bass, guitar, keyboards and want to start a j-rock band because of another certain anime.
--you ignore real guys because you think they're not as cool as gaara or shino.

there are lots more but unfortunately, i can't go on too long without watching anime. ja ne~

\m/ rakon
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