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samurai007 (Offline)
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10-06-2007, 07:45 AM

Originally Posted by minniemouse View Post
In this case, I have to plan my itinerary and then, to realize that it's better for me!

I have thought that JRP covers all transport means...
Just to be clear, JR trains are very, very common. The great majority of train lines in Japan are JR. JR also has a few bus routes. JR doesn't operate subways, though, as far as I know, and there are some private train lines here and there. In general, traveling from city to city will nearly always be on JR lines. Traveling within a city often won't be.

IMO, you should probably get either the 7 day regular JR Rail Pass and activate it when you head for Kyoto, or get a ju-hachi kippu and only spend the passes on the days when it's worth while, possibly buying either a plane ticket or bullet train ticket seperately to get back to Narita Airport quickly.

Or, check and see if it is possible for you to simply fly home from Osaka's Kansai International Airport instead of returning to Narita at all. That would save you a lot of time and money instead of getting back to Tokyo! I believe that it's possible to get a round trip ticket that allows you to leave from a different airport than the one you arrived at.
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