Originally Posted by minniemouse
Yes Samurai, your idea is good!
Its' very difficult to calculate every journey to understand what's the best choise.
If I have well understand:
for all days that I will stay in Tokyo, I can buy a singol all ticekts (it's ok for subway and buses).
Can I go to Kamakura and Disneyland with this type of ticket?
Then, when I will go to Takayama to Kyoto, I use a JRP (if is it cheap) that I can use it for 7 days.
After, the last day, you recommend me to leave to Osaka.
many thanks!

I don't know what you mean by "single all tickets". If you mean the ju-hachi kippu, it is a JR ticket only, not usable for subways either. There may be an all-day ticket just for the Tokyo subways... I'm not sure, as I simply bought individual tickets for each ride when I was there. I'm pretty sure Osaka's subway has an all day pass, but you'd need to ride it quite a bit to make the cost worth it. A normal subway ticket is $2-5, so depending upon the cost of an all day pass, it may or may not be worth buying, depending upon how much you plan to ride it. Personally, I preferred taking the subway somewhere and then walking around that area most of the day, so it wasn't worth it for me. I only ever bought all day passes for traveling between cities.
It can be hard to figure out everything in advance. But because the JR Rail Pass can only be bought outside of Japan, and the other tickets can only be bought in Japan, you need to simply decide if you want a Rail Pass or not, and then fill in the rest of your trip with individual tickets and/or a ju-hachi kippu. If you're going to need to ride the bullet trains at all, then a 7 day Rail Pass may be a good idea, especially for the return trip from Osaka back to Tokyo. That trip takes over 12 hours by local trains, but only about 3 hours by bullet train (and less than 1 hour by domestic flight). But, as I said before, with the $170 savings you get by buying a ju-hachi kippu instead of a Rail Pass, you should be able to pay for a ticket back to Tokyo easily. Either way, you should be fine.