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Haggis (Offline)
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Location: England
10-06-2007, 03:05 PM

Parasyte is what got me hooked on manga when it was originally released in Mixxzine. Saw John Carpenter's movie "The Thing" later and saw many similarites. No need for me to go into details here as it's on MMM's blogspot, I'd only add the comment that it starts good and just gets better as it goes along.

Uzumaki is another of my favourites, when you watch Japanese horror like 'The Grudge' it's like wait for the monster to appear and then you die, with Uzumaki strange things are going on, and it has an affect on the main characters, you see their mental and physical health begin to suffer, their grip on reality weakening, it's a lot more disturbing than just having them drop dead.

Last edited by Haggis : 10-06-2007 at 03:08 PM.
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