Thread: Ancafe
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Kayci (Offline)
The odd Gaijin :3
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10-06-2007, 06:46 PM

Originally Posted by clairebear View Post
Yeah but when yuuki fans see him being bashed they get upset, so maybe it'd be good if you kept your opinion to yourself xD (okay, that sounds really nasty but i didnt mean for it to sound like that D: )
It's okay, but I can't! XDDD I can be very opinionated. Yes. I am admitting it. XD

I just think it's best to leave it all be, other people are going to say it whether we like it or not, you know?

And it's possible that some idiot is going to come is going to be VERY nasty about it.

And at which point, where I like the band member or not, I'll side with you. XD

I hate seeing people being bashed for likes or dislikes, actually XD;

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