10-07-2007, 07:03 AM
WOW that sounds like me with singing. my primary support ended up being from total strangers who told me not to give up on my dreams.
I had people that had never heard me sing tell me not to give up on my dreams. for all they knew, I coulda sounded like a cow.
...and then some heard me singing out my car window and claimed I sounded good. I don't know if they actually believed that, or if they were just shocked that I had the balls to sing in public and I didn't sound absolutely terrible.
my point is...we're probably not the support you're looking for. someone you trust is probably best for that, or someone that knows the field.
I'm not going to tell you not to give up on your dreams until I see your work. I'm not going to ask to see your work, because as a general rule I don't do that - it can get stolen so much easier over the net. that, and most people think on more of a "wow, they're so much better than I am, they can do it!" level, versus a "hmmm, an employer is going to be looking for this and this" level. those two levels are worlds apart.
...if you're trying to make it big, I recommend you scale your dream down some, just as a general rule.
example: marketing's a lot easier of a field to get into. you could still use your creativity there.

thnx boboloko for the sig!
Last edited by Shaelyn : 10-07-2007 at 07:09 AM.