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(#123 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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Location: Central Tokyo
10-07-2007, 07:10 AM

Relax, Kandierain!

When you talk about your own name, use 'namae'. When you talk about someone else's name, use 'onamae'.

'Bokuno' is almost always used by men. I've only met a girl or two in my long life who used 'boku' to refer to themselves. You could safely say that those girls are usually heavily addicted to manga.

"Watashino" is used by many people, men and women. to mean 'my'. The only group of people who don't use it would be young males, who use 'bokuno' or 'oreno' 'Watashi' is more formal than 'boku' or 'ore'.
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