10-07-2007, 04:38 PM
This one I wrote on June 3rd, 2007
"Blame Fear"
Don't want to change a thing
Don't want it all to stay the same
Can't move; I'm paralyzed
I've got only fear to blame
Just a smile, just a laugh
A way to cry without the tears
No courage to get it back
Just stuck here blaming my fears
You'll turn in here
I'll keep on going
Run away to come home
Never even knowing
That what I need is never there
Cause I'm always searching elsewhere
Someday I'll find it tangled in my hair
All the reasons why I shouldn't care
But I'll just blame my fear
And get on with my life
Questioning all; what if, what if...?
Things had gone on right?
Please, I plead, I beg
Make things right
But courage isn't my strong point
So I'll just blame fear tonight
 I'm pretty content with life right now....For the most part, anyway....Well, at least, I'm pretty sure I am....