10-07-2007, 10:45 PM
Lynn’s heart was beating fast. She knew something was wrong. However she could not leave the roof, what if one of the Edwards attacked? The humans would be completely helpless. She stared down at the people, her gaze slightly blurry.
”Lynn” she turned around and saw one of the girls that lived in the house. The girl opened her mouth to speak, but then she just shut it. Lynn narrowed her eyes, why was she hesitating? “Ian…he was killed” she finally spoke.
Lynn showed no expression whatsoever. Her stoic eyes were kept on the girl standing behind her for a few seconds before they went elsewhere. She inhaled deeply.
“Some of the household members have gone to attack, others have stayed behind” she kept on “We’ve been also notified that some things have been going on in Ireland”
Lynn kept quiet for several seconds, her eyes set on the floor.
“Tell the others I’m going to Ireland” she finally said “I’ll see what’s going on there” the girl nodded and left.
Lynn gazed back at the people walking below, there weren’t so many.
Her leader had just been killed; however she could not let this stop her. She was going to Ireland, and that was final. She knew that someone there had to know something about Lexcers
Suspended clear in the sky are the words that we sing in our dreams