10-08-2007, 03:33 PM
>>>>>>SPOILER ALERT<<<<<<
I don't think I made myself clear. I was talking about unresolved plot threads.
Moon Phase ends with the two daughters of the King of the Vampires and another living in open revolt against him and Fruits Basket ends without understanding the curse that hangs over the family or whether it can be broken. These are major factors in the overall story arch and to leave them unresolved essentially turns these animes into inconsequential fluff. This not the same as an ending, which leads to questions like: what happens next? Chobits and Shakugan No Shana are examples where potential development threads occurred within their conclusions but essential left them with a definable end point. In Chobits we know Chi found "the person just for Chi" and Shana ends with the Belle Masque being soundly defeated and on the run. (yes, I know Shana II has started)