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Thumbs up Kabocha Korokke~ Pumpking Croquettes - 10-08-2007, 04:04 PM


*4 cups pumpkin, skin and stem removed, and cut into chunks
*1 potato, boiled and peeled
*1/2 red onion, finely chopped
* 1/2 teaspoong all purpose Japanese spice blend ( available at Asian markets)
*pinch of nutmeg
*pinch of crushed red pepper

*1 cup flour
*1 egg, lightly beaten
*1 cup panko breadcrumbs. )Available at Asian Markets)
* salt and freshly ground pepper
* 1/4 cup and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil

2 Sauces:
* 3 tablespoons ketchup
*1/2 teaspoon of Worcesttershire sauce

* 3 tablespoons light soy sauce
*1 teaspoong rice win vinegar
* 1 teasppon of Sliced scallion

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Steam pumpkin by placing the chunks on a large baking tray filled with a quater-inch of water. Cover loosley with foil and bake for 30-35 minutes or untill pumpkin is tender when periced by a fork. Drain excess water and mash pumpkin along with the potato in a medium-sized bowl. Taking care not to brown saute red onion in one teaspoon of oil over meium heat until translucent. Add sauted onions, Japanese spice blnd, salt, pepper and crushed red pepper to pimpkin and potato mixture and blend. Chill thoroughly and allow to set, about 2 hours.
For both sauces prepare in a small bowl and chill until ready to use.

Once the filling m,ixture has set, season both flour and panko with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a large frying pan over moderate heat. Remove filling fro refridgerator and form into 2-inch-long-logs. Dip into flour, egg, and finally panko shaking off excess between each step. Add to pan in batches and fry untill lightly browned and crisp on both sides. Drain on paper towels and serve piping hot with sauces.
Makes 1 dozen.
Discalimer. This recipe is not my own. I got it out of ShojoBeat magazine in the October issue of 2007

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