Originally Posted by kireikoori
正月, Shougatsu? Of course we celebrate New Year.
御盆, Obon? No, unfortunately we don't celebrate Bon festival in this country. Well, a few of us do, but mostly in Hawaii.
haha new years celebration in the US is really different than that of japan. shit, i wouldn't mind taking off of work for three days and celebrate the coming of the new year. because i'm still young, it's more of a party night rather than a mochi and family type of day. we stay up all night partying and burning fireworks and basically get drunk.
obon, yeah we celebrate that here in hawaii. it's probably on a smaller scale than that of japan also, but it's here. i used to go when i was a child, but i'm too old for it already. i remember the last time that i went though, there were mostly little children and a lot of old people dancing.