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Kuroneko (Offline)
JF Vet.
Posts: 598
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Miharu, Japan
10-15-2007, 05:38 AM

For starters your plane ticket will cost around $1000 for a round trip. It can cost more depending on what time of the year you plan to go. You may be able to find a cheaper flight if you look around.

As for spending money goes You may want to bring about $100 a day (though this is probably the least you can get by with. not including a hotel)

A hotel is about $100 (according to Expedia $98)

All together that would come out to about $2200 for a weeks stay in Japan. (Its a rough estimate so it could be more.)

I went as a Exchange visitor for 5 months for my stay in Japan last year and I spent over $3000 for everyday things like food and karaoke (this is of course because I did not have to pay rent or for dinner meals.)

If you talking about living there, rent for a standard apartment could start as much as $500 a month but A more practical cost is $1000 a month being that it would be very hard to find a place that costs $500. Gas and electricity may not be included in the rent, and some these places don't even have there own running water and may have a joint bath room (for all the tenants to use) If they do not have a joint bathroom they my have a bath house near the apartment you would be living in. Bath houses cost about 100-200 yen about 1-2 dollars to use. Keep in mind that you are you would be a Foreigner in Japan and most Japanese (sorry to say) don't trust Gaijin in their apartment as most leave before there lease is up and/or do not leave the apartment the way it was before. Typically they have a larger down payment for Gaijin so your looking at something 1700 dollars a month.

Your best bet may be the Gaijin House that you may find around Japan if you plan on staying for a month or so. (I've never really seen one but I've heard that there out there) Cost is between $500 $1000 per month. This (supposably) includes a futon and maybe a Table possibly some kitchen utensil's (like I said I don't know Ive only heard of them)

I think thats about I'll I know for cost of living in Japan. I hope you found it useful and good luck if you plan on going to Japan

"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer."

Last edited by Kuroneko : 10-15-2007 at 05:46 AM.
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