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LearnAmazingJapanese (Offline)
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Particles - 10-15-2007, 05:52 PM

Originally Posted by LearnAmazingJapanese View Post
The best advice I can give you is to start with the following areas:

4. Adjectives/ describing sentences (pick a ko/so/a beginning, add a noun, add an adjective, end with "desu")
(e.g. kono hana ga kirei desu = this flower is pretty
sono tsukue wa furui desu = that desk is old
ano hon wa taikutsu desu = that book is boring

Oops, another "bad" of mine. You'll also want to learn how to use the particles "wa" and "ga" at this stage, which indicate subject and topic, respectively. In the sentence pattern above, you can bet that about 80% of the time, you'll use "ga" before an adjective.

I'm serious, though, when I say spoken Japanese is pretty easy to pick up. Just don't let it intimidate you.
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