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yurijapanese (Offline)
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Talking Heyyy! - 10-16-2007, 01:23 AM

Originally Posted by Ts_Heidi View Post
Hey guys, I am a 15 year old girl wanting to learn Japanese, and I believe that the best way to do that is to talk to other people.

I am taking advanced English Classes at my High School, and i am very good with spelling and grammar. I think I could help a lot.

I would be best suited to conversational English, and (If you would like) a little bit of slang. Mostly to use with friends and through Instant Messengers (Heya, What'cha up to?, etc.) Although, like I said, I know proper English well, thanks to my Acc. class.

I want to learn conversational Japanese, but I also want to know some proper Japanese because, well, you should know that if you want to visit Japan someday, right?

I have the language pack and IME, so that's all set.

I know the Japanese "alphabet" A (あ), I (い), U (う), E (え), O (お), KA (か), KI (き), KU (く), KE (け), KO (こ), etc... and I know how to pronounce them. I know most Hiragana and I want to work on my Katakana some more. I won't even try to get into Kanji, yet.

I also know some basic words: おはよ、こんいちわ、こんばんわ、おやそみんあさい、 おげんきですか?、なんですか?、etc. I just hope I have them right and I know there are many different ways of saying one thing, and I would like to learn those.

I don't know Japanese grammar very well, but I know the basics. (Object, subject, verb...)


I want to use MSN or Windows Live Messenger because you can talk through there using microphones. That would be best, because we could work on pronunciation and "hear-say" techniques.

Sorry if you speak Japanese or some other language and can't understand me, I promise I will make it easier for you when we talk on MSN, depending on your English ability

As you can see, I need a lot of help. Thanks for taking the time to read all of this and I can't wait to hear from you! <3


I saw u on web site last year you wrote,maybe///./
still If u r looking for japanese person who teach Japnese I can help u!

Im Japanese, female,21.
Im living in SHIBUYA,TOKYO.u know??
I grew up in this place.

So I can help u to study Japanese.
we can exchage our language.
I can use MSN.
so you can add this address.
here [email protected]

Im looking foward your reply.
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