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rebam (Offline)
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10-17-2007, 12:10 AM

Originally Posted by Kayci View Post
My heart was broken by my mother, and my ex, who I was with for almost two years...

In fact, the only reason why it lasted that long was because, in the end, though I no longer loved him, I thought I needed him..

But after being around Rei, I found out what I really needed, and felt.

I'm okay now, recovering from the betrayal I'd experience, and Rei is there to help.
I'm glad I didn't give up on love. My life would be in a big rut if I did...

I'm not totally dependent on Rei like I was with my Ex, who used that as an advantage....but it's a 50/50 help and be helped kind of, he shows me he cares more everytime...

So, no offense, it's no stupid illusion...XD;; It's just sometimes hard to find, though no surprise, if you're so resistant towards it. XD;;;; That's what it seems like to me...

I'm not trying to start drama...sorry. XD;
no i totally agree with you on the fact that people have their own thoughts and love is not an illusion

"What do you believe in? 'I believe that whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you stronger'"
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