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01-21-2007, 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by CrimsonNataku
Here are the Abyss Characters (I put them in the order that they become playable in the game):
Luke fon Fabre
Tear Grants
Jade Curtiss
Anise Tatlin
Guy Cecil (Real name... Play the game and you'll find out ^_^)
Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear
As for summons... are you by any chance talking about Mystic Artes? There actually aren't any summoners/summonings in Tales of the Abyss. However, each character has Mystic Artes, which is the equivalent to the special attacks like Falcon's Crest, Indignant Judgment, etc. Only in Abyss they're much much much easier to perform and make use of. And yes, they are much better animated. Each character has one standard mystic arte, and then one hidden one, amounting to 12 Mystic Artes at your disposal (14 if you include the additional character you get to play later).
Actually... Scratch that. The enemy boss characters have mystic artes as well, which sometimes make them a pain in the neck if you're not prepared for them. And then there are other NPC's who have Mystic Artes. One particularly important character eventually gives his Mystic Arte to Luke, the main character, I believe. So... There are actually a lot of them ^_^; I don't think I can remember/write them all...
Also, instead of Unison Attacks, there are Overlimits for each character. In Symphonia, the overlimit was something that just happened over time and was automatically activated. In Abyss, when you're green overlimit bar is full, you press the R2 button whenever you like, and the corresponding character will go into overlimit, during which you can activate mystic artes.
Although I'm sad that the summonings were taken out, when you start playing the game and get acquainted with the setting, it's pretty clear that summonings and summoners would be very much out of place.
Wow that sounds cool. Mystic Arts huh? That sounds really cool that each boss ba ttle has their own. That is very interesting. Do enemy bosses have the same mystic arts as the playable characters? Or do they have special ones that no one else can see? And when you use them you don't see them again?
Are there 2 worlds like Symphonia or is there one world? Why could summons and summoners be out of place??