Thread: Tale of Storys.
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Ichirin (Offline)
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01-22-2007, 12:53 AM

Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer View Post
"A dead boy came to life? you say?" I look at Nozomi really strange. I don't know of any spells that can manipluate the dead, but there are spells that can revive the dead. But casting these kind of spells, can put the users life in danger.

"We will be out of here soon." I say to Nozomi and Ichirin. I can't believe Ichirin never left Disan before. That place annoys me. It is always so busy and annoying.

'We may find a person I know we can stay with when we arrive in Thâk Sûl, if not, I know a good inn that the 3 of us and stay at."

I continue on...The trees eventually fade away, and the main gate of Thâk Sûl becomes visible. The sky begins to lighten. Reds and oranges fill whats left of the clouds, after that down pour. I am glad the sun will be up soon, because my eye's powers have gone now. The lanterns and torches of Thâk Sûl still burned brightly.

"Stay close to me both of you. People are somewhat familiar with me here. Though I haven't been in 6 years I'm sure I'll still be remembered. Ichirin has never been here, and Nozomi has no memories. Don't say anything. If either of you are questioned. I'll answer for you. People here don't like being bothered. That is why there town is so deep in a forest..."
*You've been watching too many FMA Kanji *

I crawled close to Kanji, i just was a few paces behind him, together with Nozomi, who i think was thinking of the food she left behind.

I didn't like unknown cities in the dark, but i mustn't let them see i'm afraid of a bit of darkness, they might not trust me in combat if they knew. I started quickening my pace until i was walking next to Tatsu.

'Who's this other person you are talking about we may meet ?' i asked him.

Starrin' & Teasin'

I like where you sleep,
When you sleep, next to me.
I like where you sleep... here

Our lips, can touch
And our cheeks, can brush
Our lips can touch here
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