Originally Posted by Blackmariah
Big time, by every guy I've even remotely liked. I'm an idiot in that I go for guys who are totally out of my league, but they were all such creeps. The first guy I ever really liked was my older brother's best friend, and he humilated me every day after he found out I liked him because of that, in front of everyone he could. Then I started to really like a football player (that should have been the first sign he wasn't right for me.) He was really smart, funny, cool, and we had similar tastes in music, so we got along okay as friends, but when I told him how I felt he just totally ignored me. I cried forever it seems like because of him. My ex-boyfriend I really thought was different, he wasn't really cute or popular like the other guys I liked, but he was just as big a creep. I found out he only started seeing me because he had a bet with his friends that he could get me to sleep with him really fast. In a way though, the joke's on them. The football player's a drunk now, and my brother's best friend is stuck with a girl he really likes, but she treats him terribly. I'm pretty sure me ex ended up moving back home, and has to put up with his mom, whom he hates. I'm not saying I've given up the idea of love, I just don't know if I'm ever going to find it. The 3 examples I just gave are really the worst, but I've never been lucky when it comes to guys. I still get disgusted thinking about them, and I haven't seen any of those guys in years.
Unfortnatelly that bet thing you mentioned is too typical of guys.Guys are really disgusting like you said.I know that very well because i'm one of them.My advice for you is never trust any guy totally.You may find a guy tat really likes you and cares about you but to be honest that chance is really too small .Guys are like wolves with sheep clothes with very rare exceptions.Never forget about that.