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Etc. - 10-18-2007, 11:28 PM

Originally Posted by baronchar View Post
Hi everybody. I apologize if this has been asked before, but I didn't see any threads devoted to it, nor did I see anything about it during my casual browsing of other language threads.

Anyways, my question is; what is the Japanese equivalent of "et cetera?" (If there is one)



You have your "nado" (e.g. hon, pen, kami nado = books, pen, paper, etc.), but in my own opinion, "nado" seems more of a written "etc." than a verbal etc. Or maybe I should say "nado" seems more formal.

You hear "toka" a lot in Japanese, which is often translated as "and," but it also gives that "and such" feel that's kind-of close to "etc."

hon toka pen toka kami toka = "books, and pens, and paper, and such"

Just for kicks, I looked up "nado" and "toka" on google:

”など” (nado) = more than 500 million hits
”とか” = (toka) more than 170 million hits

What does this prove? Not much, unfortunately. I could say it supports my hypothesis since the Internet is "written" Japanese, but I don't think that necessarily correlates.

P.S. The character "等" which is the kanji for "nado" pumps over a billion hits out of Google, but I think that's mainly because the character is used in a lot of compounds as well.
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