Thread: Tale of Storys.
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(#183 (permalink))
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musashi (Offline)
Is throwing the apples...
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01-22-2007, 01:12 AM

Ok.....time for my character.......and hear is all my stuff......

NAME: Myzura
AGE: 17
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: about 117 pounds
OCCUPATION: Protects the city from creatures, bandits, and outsiders
WEAPONS: A dagger and a sword forged from rock and dragon bone. Called "Riku".....(means "land" or "of land").....also a master at body combat, so don't think you can win if she doesn't have a weapon on her....
FURTHER DETAILS: Myzura is a really strong girl, mentally and physically. Keeps to herself alot because she is afraid to let people to close. She really hopes to find someone who will accept her for who she is and not who she was (has a horrible history). (letting you know now....i'm a romance novelist, so my character is going to have strong feelings for another....i'm sorry, but no matter how hard i try, i cant write a non-romantic story, so please deal with my romance disorder.)
APPERANCE: Very beautiful. Long dark brown hair and jungle green eyes. Perfect tan skin. She tends to wear short skirts with short tank tops that reveil the stomache, she finds it easier to move in this. Bare foot all the time.
CITY: Thak Sul.......the one in the jungle....

now i will start...

I sit silently, waiting. The jungle whispering all around me. When will he come, when? After all the tracking I have just done, he better come soon. The breaking of a stick...? Something's coming...I bent down low behind a bush. There he was. A tall, burly man. His hair was dark and scruffled, like his poorly taken care-of beard. After a couple of moments of waiting, I attacked him. "Huh? Not even a little fight?" I said as I drove my dagger into his heart. "Well, you were a serious waste of time..." I took my dagger back out of his chest and moved toward the man's tent. "Let's just hope you have something good to eat..." I rumaged through some of his bags of stolen goods, but only found some stale bread and water. I sighed and took the food. After retreating from the man's campsite, I settled up next to a large tree to eat. This was going to be a long day...

If love is stupid, then I stupid you!

An Apple A Day Keeps Anyone Away If You Throw It Hard Enough...
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