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(#922 (permalink))
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noodle (Offline)
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10-19-2007, 12:47 AM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
but he can do Odamu Rasengan (sp?) and control his Chakra much better! And like.. I haven't really seen him fight all that much yet >.>
Thing about Naruto was that he was naturally gifted but didn't know the basics of being a ninja too well cos he didn't concentrate in school
yeah but compared to how far others have gone. he hasn't really improved. look at sakura for example, she kicks ass now, not even to mention sasuke. that odamu rasengan is still rasengan, its like going from 100 clones to 200 clones... whats the big deal, i want him to have some cool new kick ass moves. but one thing tho, u guys are right, he is still naruto and i still love him. but he's disapointing... haha. that sounded like i was talking about my son or something
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