Thread: Tale of Storys.
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(#184 (permalink))
Kanji_The_Wanderer's Avatar
Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
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01-22-2007, 01:18 AM

Originally Posted by Ichirin View Post
*You've been watching too many FMA Kanji *

I crawled close to Kanji, i just was a few paces behind him, together with Nozomi, who i think was thinking of the food she left behind.

I didn't like unknown cities in the dark, but i mustn't let them see i'm afraid of a bit of darkness, they might not trust me in combat if they knew. I started quickening my pace until i was walking next to Tatsu.

'Who's this other person you are talking about we may meet ?' i asked him.
**Actually, I have only seen a few episodes of FMA, so I don't really know what you are talkin about***

The person we are going to meet is an old fortune teller named Zeneba. Her daughter is someone I held very close to my heart....I don't know if the fortune teller is still here or if she is still alive."

We enter the town. No one is around. Everything is totally silent. All you can hear is the crickets in the dark and the morning birds start to chirp.

The big fire in the village center is out and the rest of the smoke is kindling. The last embers die. I walk down a small path to a dead end street.

"This is Zeneba's house." I tell the others. It is a little cottage. Smoke climbs out of the stacks on the house. All the windows are shut tight.... I knock on the door quietly. I can hear mumbling from inside the building. I lean my ear to the door to make out what the person is saying. Just as I lean back, the front door swings open quickly, and a raggedy looking man is standing there. With a pipe in his hand and a full face of long stringy beard hair.

"What do you punks want?!" he barks at me. "I am sorry to bother you sir, at this early an hour in the day, but I wanted to know if Zenenba was in." The mans expression turns from an angery face to complete sadness. He stays quiet for a moment. Then takes a big puff of his pipe. "Zeneba..she..she's over there." He picks up his wrinkled, swollen finger and points it behind me. There is a wooden fence around a small tree. I give him a puzzled look. He leaves the door open and just looks at me. I walk over to the area he pointed at...When I get there everything becomes clear. I see a single tombstone. The words "Zeneba. Loving Wife and Mother. May her spirit rest in piece in the heavens." are etched onto the stone.

I drop to me knees. And a tear leaves my eye and gets caught in my lips. I can taste the salt. "She was like a second mother too me." I say to Ichirin and Nozomi would came up from behind me.

Last edited by Kanji_The_Wanderer : 01-22-2007 at 01:21 AM.
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