Originally Posted by Kasomi
The accents can be put only if you shift your keyboard into French keyboard instead of English keyboard. To do so, click on your language bar at the bottom of your screen and go to "preferences" (I think it is actually the good translation).
And yes, I'd be glad to help you getting better in French^^
First, "donc pouvoir vous aider moi" should be "vous pouvez (pouvoir) m'(moi)aider?"
"Vous" is the subject, and as in english, the subject comes before the principal verb, which comes right after, "pouvoir". Then the rest is a complement of the verb, but not in the same order as in English this time.
The beginning of your sentence was right^^ It isn't that bad you see^^
Oui, je peux vous aider! Yes I can help you!
Okay so maybe you should give me a sentence, and I'll see if I can translate it in the correct form.
Yuri Yuri

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